Fine Art
I have always had an imaginative spirit and loved to draw. When I was younger, I spent hours working on various paintings, crafts, and other art-related projects. Exploring new mediums and expressive paths in the studio gives me the space to create my own little universe away from academics and school. Art has given me an outlet that has translated to my other pursuits, imbuing school and extracurricular projects with creative inspiration.
Self-Portrait in a Moving Car
A Church of Florence
Childhood Self-Portrait
A Self Portrait Through a Cereal Box
Landscape Painting Inside of a Cave
Sheet Music Composition
Color as a Religion Series
Red Study
Blue Study
Yellow Study
Green Study
Orange Study
Life Drawings in Color
Carousel in Watercolor
Black and White Perspective
Sights of a Food Stand in Unrealistic Color
Graffiti Art In Broken Reality
Map Portraiture Works
Map Portraiture Works
Sights in Colored Pencil
Purple Grapes
Geometrically Sliced Figures
Watercolor Figure
Playing with Movement
A Man Smoking a Cigar
My Dad and I in Unrealistic Color
The Shape of Identity
Sketches with Marker
Sketches with Marker
The Five Layers of a Corporate Man Encountering His Humanity
Achromatic Still Life