TikTok Fuse

TikTok faces an over-saturation of advertisements with misaligned content creator-brand promotions that ruin viewers’s trust in advertising accuracy.  Enter TikTok Fuse, a platform I co-designed and presented at TikTok Headquarters to connect compatible creators and brands, fostering authentic brand-creator collaborations.

Role /
Design Consultant
Skills /
Presentation Creation

Timeline /
January - March 2023
Location / 
San Francisco, CA
Team /
Rishi Kothari
Shvetah Shah
Tara King 
Kai Feinberg

As a Design Consultant, I developed detailed mockups in Figma and conducted research with each of our stakeholders to create a user-friendly interface. Prototypes centered around storytelling and intuitive layouts that balance the needs of creators, companies, brands, and viewers, overall fostering trust and reducing time.

How might we create an authentic way to connect creators with like-minded companies to produce advertisements that align with both parties' needs?

1.0: Click to input whether you are a content creator or brand
2.0: Content creators make a profile with their skills and experience
3.0: Companies create their profiles detailing advertising needs
4.0: A content creator’s perspective as they scroll,  ready to create partnerships with brands
5.0: A company’s perspective as they scroll
6.0: A Match!
7.0: Brands and creators can message each other and find a time to meet

Testing + Implementation We tested our product on content creators and TikTok viewers:
Insight from TikTok Viewers: Viewers want authenticity
They want partnerships between content creators and brands to align with the values of influencers to build trust on the products advertised.   

Insight from Content Creators: Current tools don’t streamline partnerships effectively.They want a more transparent understanding of each company's requirements (number of posts, time duration of partnership, and the pay) because creating partnerships takes time.

What content creators see
What brands see

  • Balance diverse user perspectives to create cohesive solutions.
  • Prioritize user testing to refine functionality and further validate decisions.
  • A supportive team environment: Each week, my design practicum group would gather at the Crepe House to work on our project for the week. While eating our crepes, we would share laughs, and talk about our everyday lives. Once we were done with our meal, it was time to get to work. Collaborating with this group was incredible as no idea was too “out of the box”, and our “yes-and” mindset fostered creativity. By building an environment that promotes support, friendship, and enjoyment, which may not have been deemed "academically productive", we become more productive and collaborative. This lesson will guide me at Northwestern and in my continued journey through the field of design.